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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Getting To Know the Frankenfish

Hi. I'm the Northern Snakehead! You probably have heard me referred to as Frankenfish. Well, I am an all-time great in the realm of famous fish just behind Bruce from Jaws and 'the one that got away.' I've starred in countless films: Frankenfish, Bride of Frankenfish, Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenfish. Woo boy, that fat guy really had us cackling on the set and between you and me, that was Elsa Lanchester playing the Bride and boy, could she deep throat.

Anyways, it's been a great life and I'd like to thank the holy mackeral for giving me the ability to do what I do for the little people. In return I'd like to bring you into my world. The wonderous world of the Northern Snakehead...The Frankenfish!

  • There are 28 species of me and we can tolerate low oxygen levels in water because we are air breathers from an early age! Frankenfish says 'YES' to the smoking ban!

  • Some of us snakeheads are summer breeders. Others breed throughout the year! Va-va-va-voom!

  • We snakeheads are a monogamous bunch. For an entire breeding season I'll attach myself to one lucky gal and that pairing may last a lifetime! My lawyers, Dewey, Cheatum and Howe suggest prenuptials for us snakefish.

  • Don't mess with the babies! Some of us parent snakeheads will guard our young to the death... Of You! Some of my schoolies (C. micropeltes) reportedly attacked, and in some instances killed, humans who approached the mass of young!

  • I can stay out of water for up to 4 days and have been known to migrate from pond to pond traversing dry land by using my gills as a mode of transport. Who's a fish outta water now, baby?!?!?!

  • I am extremely predatory and I will wipe out entire species!

  • I am originally from Southeast Asia and was introduced to North American waters probably by exotic fish buffs who threw me out when I got too big for the aquarium!

So now you know a little more about me, the Frankenfish. I'll be coming soon to a pond or brackish water supply near you!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Soylent Green is People!!

It's people. Soylent Green is made out of people. They're making our food out of people. Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle for food. You've gotta tell them. You've gotta tell them!--Charlton Heston

You could be eating Edward G. Robinson

I don't know from torquoise

For that matter, chartreuse is a mystery as well. I do know Roy G. Biv. Any other hue is just a fancy frenchman name for the trench colors. So when my galfriend asked this morning about a certain torquoise brassierre, I drew a blank. Then I came up empty on remembering the actual tit-holder in question. I remember the general shape; two conical supporters with adjustable straps, but quiz me about the material or the motif and all I can remember is that thing was getting in my way, it needs to come off.

I do remember when she wore the red booby bounder, the black mammary hammock and the white breast sling. The latter two not being colors but values actually don't fit in the Roy G. Biv grand plan but how hard is it to remember black and white: salt and pepper, zebras, ebony and ivory, old movies, NBA players and their girlfriends... B/W comes slamming at you at all times so for my purposes, the opposite end values will be included.

I guess I'm just frustrated because my girlfriend went all Alex Trebek on me and I was in Final Jeopardy armed with a rotting cantalope for a brain.

"The category is 'Oppressive Undergarments for Women', and the answer is 'Do you recall the torquoise Winnebago garage that your lovely lady wore for you 3 months ago?'"

"What is...C'mon man, think...Uh...Make something up...Just say yeah, I remember it and hope for the best...Uh, what is 'no Alex, I do not remember the bowling ball bag in queston.'"

"Ohh. Sorry. Let's see what you wagered. Oh my, you wagered a future audience with your girlfriend as she models a new skimpy bra with a fancy frenchman name."

Friday, April 22, 2005

When Mr. Smith Spit

Spini, Spidi, Spici...He came, he saw, he spat.

With his favorite tobacco swirling amidst the amylase in his gob, growing ever thicker and heavier until it reached perfect proportions to make the in-air journey from Vietnam vet's mouth to the face of Barbarella, Mr. Smith had made a statement with sputum.

Head tilted back at a 45 degree angle and adjusting for wind, Mr. Smith took in a breath and launched a juicy missive hitting his target and striking a soggy blow for vets all over. In an act reminiscant of soldiers who were spat on upon returning from Vietnam, it's high time Cat Ballou got declawed, if only for a moment.

So goody on you Mr. Smith, may you go to Washington as your namesake did in 1932 and unleash the power of the patooey and shine a salivatious light onto those who have wronged others.

May you never get dry mouth Mr. Smith.

When Mr. Smith Spit

You could be in suspended animation right now!

Mice forced to breathe hydrogen sulfide -- known best for its rotten egg smell -- go into a kind of suspended animation,

Maybe that's why I slept through 9 years of marriage...Take one wife (now the ex), add a bean burrito and an enclosed area and it's Rip Van Winkle time. (Note to self, when next I get married check for gas leaks ahead of time...)

Sunday, April 17, 2005

NASA Study Finds Soot May Be Changing the Arctic Environment

EO News: NASA Study Finds Soot May Be Changing the Arctic Environment - March 23, 2005

And wasn't it refreshing to read that the blame goes to South Asia as it deposits 1/3 of the total incomplete combustion that falls onto the region. It's estimated that North America dumps 11% or 1/9 of the total soot onto the Great White Way and I ain't talkin' about Broadway.. Actually, if the US isn't dumping the most burnt carbon then we are lagging behind industrially. Let's get sooty. And if things get a little too clogged up we can call in Bert from Mary Poppins.

Never was there a more happier crew
Than them what sings Chim Chim Chiree Chim Chiroo! Chim Chim Chiminy Chim Chim Chiree Chim Chiroo...

Saturday, April 16, 2005

BMW no.2: The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake

"The evil that men do lives on after them", and that evil involves head shrinking, decapitation, and cheap sets in this gruesome horror offering. OK, gruesome for 1959.

Never say that the Drake men were a lucky bunch. On the contrary, when the age of 60 comes rapping at the door, so does death. Not some average-guy death either, the Drake men get a full head loppery. These unfortunate setbacks stem from an ancient curse put upon them by a crazed Amazonian witch doctor.

Enter Jonathan Drake. He is having some vividly imagined hallucinations involving floating skulls. He knows what time it is. That's right, he's 60, as is his brother, Kenneth Drake. Old Johnny senses what is about to take place so he makes tracks for his brother's house, but arrives too late. His personal physician, Dr. Bradford, assures Jonathan that Kenneth died a natural death, but upon opening the casket it wouldn't take the brilliant medical examining mind of Quincy long to figure out that a guy with no head probably didn't die of natural causes.

The perpetrator of the mafia haircut is Zutai, a dead ringer for James Cromwell, but a gangly savage with his mouth tied shut who sports a Sonny Bono hairdo and who also wears human skin shoes can hardly be a kingpin. The man pulling all the strings is Dr. Emil Zurich (Henry Daniell). It's ol' Doc Zurich that has it in for the Drake man-clan as he is partly the crazed Amazonian witch doctor who cursed them those many years ago and partly Emil Zurich, who died in the 1800's. Now brace yourselves, this is where it gets kooky. The head of sawbones Zurich has been sewn on to the body of a "brown man". Both men are dead, but remember, "The evil that men do lives on after them." And you thought I was pulling that outta my ass.

Dr. Zurich's nemesis throughout is Lt. Jeff Rowan (Grant Richards). He's busy the whole film looking important and putting bullets into suspects. The first credo of horror movie flatfoots, err, flatfeets, err, flatfeet, uhhh, gumshoes is, "If it's running away, shoot it." Not to go against this sacred tradition, Lt. Rowan fires a slug at Zutai for merely frolicking through the woods like a happy wood nymph, with a Sonny Bono hairdo. He may have had a point, though. It would be hard getting information out of a guy whose mouth has been sewn shut. Never second guess a horror movie cop is the lesson, friends.

What Lt. Rowan lacks in the foot pursuit of criminals he more than doesn't make up for it in his assesment of clues. I'm afraid Lt. Rowan wouldn't know a clue if it defiled him up the tuckus. Surreal moment where Lt. Rowan thinks aloud to himself as perfromed by the Theatre Obscura(my old website) players--"Let's see, we've got a shrunken head hanging on a door. We've also got a strangely accented mad doctor who never takes off his gloves and is an expert on shrunken heads. Barring any unforeseen red herrings, take two carry the four divide by the coefficient of the inverse of the sum of a hypotenuse triangle..."

Detective Rowan does finally figure Dr. Zurich is a suspect and with the second credo of all horror movie cops backing him up, which states, "Who needs a search warrant" promptly breaks into the Zurich estate and finds the Doctor's secret lair complete with heads, a bubbling cauldron, and a James Cromewell look-a-like with a Sonny Bono hairdo. Hard-nosed Rowan gets pugilistic and cleans house, excuse me, he cleans mad doctor basement. Dr. Zurich escapes but is met with a final showdown at the well lit cemetary.

Detective Rowan, though a rigid, no nonsense copper, does have a soft side. The police lab's technician, Lee Coulter (Frank Gerstle) seems to have a hardon for Lt. Rowan. In their shared scenes, Lee tells the detective to, "be carefull, Jeff" and "Don't be brave, Jeff". Lt. Rowan would look back at him and give him one of those patented tough guy smiles. I swear if the guy had boobs, they would have had made love right there next to the bunson burner.

This film, though rudimentary in most aspects, does have two saving graces. One is the incredibly wild story line. The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake was a forefather of the great Rosie Grier and Ray Milland thriller, The Thing With Two Heads, another pairing of a white man's head onto that of a black man's body. Dr. Zurich, getting the races together one limb at a time.

Another robust plus would be the performance by Henry Daniell as Dr. Zurich. In a Battle of the Hams, I'd stack this guy up against Vincent Price any day. He combines dreaded evil with a Thurston Howell III ambiance to create a character of high camp.

The film is not without it's faults. The budget was threadbare as evidenced by the sparse sets. Some of the acting, most notably by Grant Richards, becomes too melodramatic. He would have done well by taking a cue from Henry Daniell and camp it up a bit. Another distraction is the music. If you closed your eyes and lost yourself for a moment, you'd swear you were listening to stock soap opera strains.

The special effects are standard for the day. A few superimposed skulls floating about, but the decapitated heads and shrunken noggins look impressive. Maybe that's where all the set budget was siphoned off to.

The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake is a fun picture with an imaginative storyline that doesn't trip over itself too much with it's kooky late 50's sensibilities. It's just gruesome enough for horror fans and just wild enough for those with peculiar tastes.

Runtime 75 minutes, b/w, 1959

Eduard Franz .... Jonathan Drake
Grant Richards .... Lt. Jeff Rowan
Henry Daniell .... Dr. Emil Zurich
Paul Wexler .... Zutai

Directed by:
Edward L. Cahn

# The set was cursed! The major players in the film, Grant Richards, Henry Daniell and director Edward L. Cahn all died in 1963. FOUR years after making the film and all died within a span of FOUR months.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Beatles: In the News

50 cent bigger than the Beatles?
Soon to follow---wait for it--- the 10 plagues... Oh where did it all go wrong?

Well, not quite bigger than the Beatles. The Beatles back in 1964 held the top 5 positions on Billboard. Halfa Dolla only has 4 tunes in the top 10.

Friend of Beatles remembers and writes book
Coming soon, Ringo's dog groomer recalls ribald and raucous regalings of the ringed raconteur...

Klaatu Barada Nikto!
Mystery group Klaatu, thought to be the Beatles, have revealed themselves to not be the Beatles with a forthcoming album. (Klaatu Barada Nikto is the mystery phrase that keeps Gort from destroying everything in The Day the Earth Stood Still, now ya know...)

Revolver Review: A Review of the review
OK, slack... It's Peter Fonda, not James Fonda who repeated to Lennon, "I know what it's like to be dead." The world at your fingertips. Tighten up that research, Hofstra.

Beatles Mugged
Not to poo-poo in the parmesan, but I bought a Sgt. Pepper coffee mug back in the 80's from a dubious outfit at the local mall. 16 bucks I believe. It's probably yard sale fodder by now..

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Back in the side-saddle again

Not only did I surrender, I gave myself away, as well...

The rumors of a broken deal are premature and Amoretrak is choo-chooing along. It would seem that I have a habit, a rather nasty habit, of reading too much into what people say, namely my lady. I had a hideous time trying to sleep last night when all the while I could have been cozin' and dozin'.

She said I was kooky and this was much adon't about even less.

So life is good at the moment until I start reading between the lines and trying to find hidden meaning in her words. I talk to her again at 10:30pm at which time life will surely take a turn for the worse. Maybe I'll tape the conversation, run it backwards and see if I hear anything about satan or getting turned on by dead men...

Realistically Speaking

I've hesitated divulging more personal matters for all one of you to see but last night my girlfriend unsettled my thinking in regards to our relationship.

First, a brief history:

  • Long distance affair
  • Both are divorced
  • Have been dating for 16 months
  • Had dated prior to this for 4 years

We talk everyday at least twice. We were doing the chit-chat last night and she revealed that she is realistic about things. A fairly inocuous statement until you pair it with the relationship.

"I'm a realist and I understand bad things happen and that this relationship may or may not work out." she says.

So I'm going to pick up my life and move it one thousand miles based on the prospect of "this relationship may or may not work out?"

She went as far as stating that the vows we take should not include "'til death do you part." I can't imagine with what she wants to substitute that section.

"Do you promise to love, honor and obey, in sickness and in health, 'til the mood strikes you otherwise?"

I'm for being realistic and I do understand things happen, but to set the love bar so low and not demand of the relationship that it works 'til our bodies lie rotting in the ground is a self fulfilling omen of disaster. Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best as far as commital to another person is dooming the union before the union has become unionized!

I was really befuddled last night as to what to say. Thinking of it rationally, yes, anything can happen, good or bad. Thinking of it emotionally, I'm in the "Yeah, baby, it's a love thing and ain't nothin' gonna derail Amoretrak."

So back to the looming question of do I chuck it all on a relationship that in her mind may or may not work? All I'm looking for is, "This will work and we'll be happy everafter," even if it doesn't. It doesn't have to, just go into it thinking that it will.

Bah, this could be the deal breaker. I'll talk to her later today and hopefully I can muster up a coherent thought and it will pass through my lips unencumbered as a succinct and cogent phrase fully explaining my point of perspective.

But I'm a realist....That ain't gonna happen.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Obese Shoppers Say Clerks Not Helpful

Yahoo! News - Obese Shoppers Say Clerks Not Helpful

Yikes...Another study and does this one have a problem. The research done over a five year span suggests that fat white women are being subtly discriminated against. Subtle discrimination consists of, "less eye contact, more rudeness, hostility and unfriendliness." (If this is the case I've been subtly discriminated against on many dates.) Upon further reading these studies were done not in the wide grazing areas of huge department stores but rather in smaller stores. OK, here's the problem. You stuff a large lipid lady into a wee bit of a store and of course the clerks are going to be rude! With every turn around and bend over weighty white women of much avoirdupois are knocking over stock that the diligent clerk previously set out. Next time you want to save five years of research, give me a call..

The story finishes with psychology professor Chris Crandall stating, "To reduce anti-fat prejudice, we have to tell people how much the problem is due to genetics and physiology and how it has less to do with willpower."

Uh-huh. Take the responsibility away from the corpulent and tell them, "it ain't your fault." It's a simple mathematical progression. Take in less than you burn off and you will lose weight.

Start shopping for a treadmill, fat white ladies.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Vexatious Thought of the Day

Knowing how nice it is to be remembered on your birthday-the knowing comes from my not being remembered on my birthday-I sacrificed a sunny Saturday by fighting through mall walkers, slow browsers and teenaged loiterers to purchase a gift for a friend/co-worker. Our predetermined plan had me going over to her place and dropping off the gift and spending a little time with her and her husband. After much debating and scouring for that perfect gift and doling out some cash for said perfect gift and card, no less, I'm ready to show up bearing gift-the singular. I call, as per the plan and I get an earful of,

"Oh, we're about to go to lunch I'll call you when we get back."

Three hours later I get a text message intimating that she is now having her nails done and when she gets back she'll call and I can bestow upon her the gift. Ok, I'm familiar with the allotment of time needed to have your nails done as I was once married to a faux nail female and from my experience two and a half hours is not the allotment of time I had in mind. That comes out to be 15 minutes a finger. It's not like she has man-hands, these huge bratwurst sized digits more at home on the mitts of a burly plumber.

So, finally I get the call at 5:30pm.

"I'm home! The thing is, though, we're going out to dinner and I don't know how long it's going to take me to get ready and how long we'll be here. Maybe you can give me the gift on Monday at work."

Uh-huh... I spend my entire day shopping and waiting. So, the gift goes back. That may be harsh on my part but if you make a plan with me and renege, all bets are off, toots! I can't take the card back, but I signed it with a generic "Happy Birthday" so I can recycle that.

Do I feel bad about getting my money back? That would be a negative, for I've already given her a gift worth much more than the money I spent; my time. I frittered away 6 hours of the most precious of gifts one can give another. She should be so lucky to have someone waste that much time on her behalf...

Saturday, April 09, 2005


Boobs, breasts, bazongas, and beasts come together in this tedious tit-ular tripe, compliments of a script by Ed Wood Jr.!

Bob and Shirley are looking for an old cemetary in hopes of re-igniting a creative spark under Bob, who is a writer of horror fiction. Bob loses control of his car and the duo crash and are left stranded. Luckily for Bob they are stranded in a kooky Netherworld boob-fest as twelve go-go gals shake their udders for the Prince of Evil himself, Criswell. His curvey cohort of creepiness is Ghoulita and together they pick and choose which twistin' titties get to serve his highness in eternal damnation.

Though Ed Wood did not direct "Orgy of the Dead" all Woodisms are present; Mismatched scenes, painfully amateurish dialogue, stilted acting, and some wonderful rattlesnake stock footage.

Listen close dear reader as I'll probably never say anything like this again, but I felt as though I had OD'd on titties. Areolas and nipples were comin' at a palm blistering pace, and I prayed to Buddha that the go-go broads would dance a bit faster and move things along. They didn't.

In a movie so heavily laden with jugs it would seem weird and a bit anti-hetero of me to say that the best moments occur when there are speaking parts. Criswell trips, slips and stumbles through his lines, but those lines are unforgettably bad and are hilarious and a much welcomed respite from the seemingly endless line of moving mammaries. Throw in a wolfguy and a mummy who stand around cracking-wise about Cleopatra and you've got 4 reels of hurt!

Runtime 93 minutes, Color, 1965

Criswell .... Criswell
Fawn Silver .... Ghoulita
William Bates .... Bob
Pat Barrington .... Shirley/Gold Girl Dance

Directed by:
A.C. Stevens

# Ted V. Mikels was assistant director.

# This is a loose sequel to "Plan Nine from Outer Space" and "Night of the Ghouls"

# This movie dispells the rumor that mummies are tongueless and Egyptian.